Diamond Polishing Paste

If you want to get a mirror finish or remove scratches and marks on lapidary, glass, stone or hard metals then our diamond polishing lapping paste compound  is a must. Available in fine to coarse grades. You can take a relatively coarse and grained looking piece of work down to a superb mirror finish in no time.The diamond grinding paste is mixed with a water soluble oil and comes in an easy to apply 50g container so the paste is ready to use and is easy to apply. Use on glass, metals, ceramic and mineral surfaces to give a superfine mirror finish.

  • 0.25 - 3 micron for final polishing
  • 6 - 14 micron for lapping and pre-polishing
  • 25 - 90 micron for rapid stock removal

Our diamond paste puts a fast, beautiful polish on your gemstones. Use it to charge your lapidary tools, polishing pads and buffing pads. The paste is made with a strong concentrate of high quality diamonds suspended in an oil-based carrier

  • 50g Lapidary Glass Diamond Polishing Compound Paste

    50g Lapidary Glass Diamond Polishing Compound Paste

    50g Lapidary Glass...

    5.0 ortalama, 1 yorum dayalı
    Our diamond paste puts a fast, beautiful polish on your gemstones. Use it to charge your lapidary tools, polishing pads and buffing pads. The paste is made with a strong concentrate of high quality…
  • 5pcs 5g Lapidary Glass Diamond Polishing Compound Paste

    5pcs 5g Lapidary Glass Diamond Polishing Compound Paste

    5pcs 5g Lapidary Glass...

    Our diamond paste puts a fast, beautiful polish on your gemstones. Use it to charge your lapidary tools, polishing pads and buffing pads. The paste is made with a strong concentrate of high quality…